Colonel’s Choice refers to colonel’s choice, best choice, Colonel Harrison, army officer, and/or commissioned officer. All of us have genuine alternatives and high grade options; So does Colonel’s Choice. The best choice is what we seek to be or achieve. That is the prize. Colonel Harrison, an Army Officer - Commissioned Officer aims to be the best he can be because he is the Colonel’s Choice.
Colonel’s Choice is a brand adopted by Lieutenant Colonel William C. Harrison to identify his relationship with strength, life and beauty. One’s strength represents his power, fortitude and vigor to achieve his goal. Life is reality; it is truth; and it is genuine. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but it is magnificent, fantastic and marvelous. It's a brand that includes the best choice, an Army officer and a commissioned officer can have.
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going (JP Kennedy) is an expression often heard among us tough military types. It is true that we pride ourselves in being tough both mentally and physically. Mental toughness tends to reflect how well one can withstand pain and that is a reflection of how physically fit one is. So, you see, they go hand-in-hand. Colonel Harrison often echoes his motto of “the difficult we do with ease, the impossible takes a little longer.” Well, much of this is a reflection of being mentally tough and physically tough.
Best choice comes from one’s mental and physical fitness. He who can maintain these disciplines in their proper order will most likely have a successful life. An Army officer or a commissioned officer tries to adhere to these principles. In Colonel Harrison’s case, it’s a matter of simply being the Colonel’s Choice.
The name "Colonel's Choice" dates back to 1975 when Colonel Harrison, an Army Officer stationed at Headquarters First US Army, Fort Meade, Maryland, was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. It was the Sergeant Major that frequently presented to him options and often said it's the "Colonel's Choice." Naturally, he desired to select the best choice. This got to be a habit on the part of the Sergeant Major. Once he offered a choice of flying by our own aviation section (tiny aircraft) or via larger commercial flight whereupon I said "it's the Colonel's choice right Sergeant Major" and he just laughed. Well, that's the way it was in those days. Every since, the name meant something to Colonel Harrison-it stuck with him.
Colonel’s Choice is a brand adopted by Lieutenant Colonel William C. Harrison to identify his relationship with strength, life and beauty. One’s strength represents his power, fortitude and vigor to achieve his goal. Life is reality; it is truth; and it is genuine. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but it is magnificent, fantastic and marvelous. It's a brand that includes the best choice, an Army officer and a commissioned officer can have.
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going (JP Kennedy) is an expression often heard among us tough military types. It is true that we pride ourselves in being tough both mentally and physically. Mental toughness tends to reflect how well one can withstand pain and that is a reflection of how physically fit one is. So, you see, they go hand-in-hand. Colonel Harrison often echoes his motto of “the difficult we do with ease, the impossible takes a little longer.” Well, much of this is a reflection of being mentally tough and physically tough.
Best choice comes from one’s mental and physical fitness. He who can maintain these disciplines in their proper order will most likely have a successful life. An Army officer or a commissioned officer tries to adhere to these principles. In Colonel Harrison’s case, it’s a matter of simply being the Colonel’s Choice.
The name "Colonel's Choice" dates back to 1975 when Colonel Harrison, an Army Officer stationed at Headquarters First US Army, Fort Meade, Maryland, was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. It was the Sergeant Major that frequently presented to him options and often said it's the "Colonel's Choice." Naturally, he desired to select the best choice. This got to be a habit on the part of the Sergeant Major. Once he offered a choice of flying by our own aviation section (tiny aircraft) or via larger commercial flight whereupon I said "it's the Colonel's choice right Sergeant Major" and he just laughed. Well, that's the way it was in those days. Every since, the name meant something to Colonel Harrison-it stuck with him.

Colonel Harrison served in the US Military Service for 20 years achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. While serving in the military, he had mostly operational assignments including staff coordination of nuclear weapons activities, chemical and biological activities and combat arms activities. He served as company commander of a chemical maintenance company, as commander of a new equipment team, as Deputy Commander of a Night Vision Group, as Organizer and Coordinator of four (4) NBC Schools (Camp Shelby, MS, Camp Pickett, VA, Fort Stewart, GA, and Camp Drum, NY) in the First US Army area, as Deputy Director of a Materials Laboratory and as Base Commander at Watertown Arsenal, MA.
Colonel Harrison, after his retirement from the military service, had a career that included:
* Founder, Chairman and CEO of Filaments Etcetera, Inc.
* Founder, Chairman, CEO and President of WCH EnviroTech Corporation
* Founder and Chairman of PURA, a non-profit organization
* Currently serves as Owner and Manager of H-Holdings, an umbrella organization administering several online websites including:
Colonel Harrison, after his retirement from the military service, had a career that included:
* Founder, Chairman and CEO of Filaments Etcetera, Inc.
* Founder, Chairman, CEO and President of WCH EnviroTech Corporation
* Founder and Chairman of PURA, a non-profit organization
* Currently serves as Owner and Manager of H-Holdings, an umbrella organization administering several online websites including:
Daddy Long Legs

Just one more river to cross; just one more hill to climb; just one more mission to accomplish; we're on our way to victory.